What You Need
An internet enabled device, with access to a modern browser.
A Shopwave account (How?).
An amazing app idea for your business or for other businesses.
Initial Setup
Open the Shopwave Developer site.
Click Applications.
Add a new application by clicking + Add button.
Fill out the new application form, by providing:
- Name - Choose a name for your application, this will be shown to users/merchants who might end up adding it to their Shopwave account.
- Details - Provide some information on the intention of the application. This will be shown to the customer and also help us through the review process.
- Redirect URLs - the full url(s) (inc http://) where the authorisation should end up on completion.Run through the configuration tasks below to get started with development.
Configuration Tasks
Once your app has been approved by the Shopwave team, you will be allowed to use your Identifier and Secret tokens to build your applications. You can find these by clicking your application in the list on the Shopwave Developer site.
Once you have setup your application with an OAuth2.0 library (or self configured), it will be available to any user with a Shopwave Merchant account. To create a demo Shopwave Merchant account follow this guide.
Use your new test merchant account (or a real account), to login to your app. Your app will ask for permission to use the merchant data, which the merchant will have to accept.ย
If accepted you will now be able to query the API on the merchant's behalf and process data as outlined by your app description.
You are ready to code.
Helpful Links
Documentation - Listings for endpoints and methods available on the platform.
Playground - Get right into calling methods (get, post etc) without writing code.