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Eat In / Take Out
Jack McCann avatar
Written by Jack McCann
Updated over a week ago

A simple method for Eat In / Take Out products is to have 2 separate products for each and set the VAT as necessary. However this can complicate your reporting and clutter your menu with duplicates.

An improved method is to use 'Price Schemes'. These can be found in the Shopwave settings on your iPad:

If you have multiple iPads, you will need to set up price schemes on each one separately as they are stored locally on the device. If your Shopwave app is deleted, you will need to set them up again.

Setting the price schemes changes depending on how your products are set up and whether or not your sale price changes for Eat In and Take Out.

If your products are set up with 0% Vat, you will set your Eat In price scheme to add Tax and your Eat Out price scheme to do nothing.

If your products are set up with 20% Tax, you can set your Eat In price scheme to do nothing. Your Take Out price scheme can be set to '-20' Tax % Change. If you don't change anything else your Take Out sale price will be reduced as it will not include the Tax. If you would like your sale price to remain the same for Eat In and Take Out, set the Take Out price scheme to '20' in the 'Price % Change' field. Now your sale price will be increased by 20% for Take Out (the same as the Eat In price) but your Tax on the sale will be 0.

In the example below it is assumed your products are set up with 0% Tax, you mainly sell Take Out products and that your sale prices will change as necessary if the customer is Eating IN.

Select the '+' icon to set up a new price scheme. You will be setting up 2 price schemes, one for Eat In and one for Take Out.

On the first price scheme:

Enter the title 'IN'.

Enter the Tax % Change '20'.

Attach products that the price scheme will apply to.

Select 'Done' at the top right to save the price scheme.

Add a second price scheme:

Enter the title 'OUT'

Enter the Tax % Change '0'

Activate the Default toggle.

Select 'Done' at the top right to save the price scheme.

Attach products that the price scheme will apply to.

Any products that attract tax regardless of whether they are purchased as Eat In or Take Out should not be added to a price scheme.

Now the above price schemes are set, you will notice that next time you add a product to the basket, it will have a note attached to it. Tap the product in the basket and you will see your price schemes at the bottom left. You can switch between price schemes by tapping on them.

If you wish to set the price scheme for the entire basket, select basket options (top right icon with three lines) and observe the 'Override All Prices' function. Selecting a price scheme will apply it to all eligible products in the basket.

In this example, selecting 'IN' will add tax and increase the prices of the products.

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