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Stock Invoices
Jack McCann avatar
Written by Jack McCann
Updated over a week ago

Stock invoices are used to add stock to Shopwave, recording details such as cost price and supplier. If you need to remove stock, use the wastage option.

To add a stock invoice, go to 'Stock Invoices' on the stores page of your online dashboard:

All previous stock invoices will be displayed here. To record a new invoice, select '+New'. Product quantities in invoices will be added to your product stock levels. Invoices are created under your merchant name when surplus stock is reported in a stock take. These are called store invoices and are hidden unless you un-check the tick box below.

When you add a new invoice you will be asked to enter supplier details which will auto fill if you have entered them previously.

Start typing the name of a product and this will auto fill from the products that exist on your menu, you cannot add an invoice for a product before adding a product to your menu. If you need to add a product you must do this from your main product list. You can also add a cost price here which will generate a profit margin in your reporting. Select complete when you have added all products for the current invoice.

If you have previously sold more of a product than you had in stock, you will be asked what action to take. Products that require an action are listed under 'ACTION REQUIRED'. If this the first time you are adding stock of a product but you have previously sold that product, your stock will be negative. You may wish to reset the stock level for that product to 0. Select the appropriate action to either reset the stock level AND then add new stock or reset the stock level without adding new stock (This will create a separate store invoice for any additional stock required to reach 0). You can also add new stock to the existing negative stock level without resetting the stock level to 0. Add the unit cost for any extra stock that your action has added.

Select complete to finish.

If you make a mistake, complete another invoice or adjust stock levels using stock take or wastage functions.

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