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Jack McCann avatar
Written by Jack McCann
Updated over a week ago

A stocktake is used to tell record how much stock of a product you currently have. It will add and remove stock to your stored inventory as necessary based on the quantities you enter. If you have never used stock before you can start with a stocktake.

In your dashboard select Stores or visit Your stores are listed here with stock related options to the right.

Select Stocktake:

All previous stock takes are displayed on this page. Incomplete stock takes can be accessed and completed by selecting 'Reconciliation'. To perform a new stock take, select '+New'. You will arrive at the following page:

Enter the number of units in stock for each product on the right. You can use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the number. To save your progress and complete the stock take later, select 'Save'. To complete the stock take, select ‘Reconciliate'. Use the search field to find a specific product/category. When you have entered all the stock you want to, select 'Reconciliate' to reach the next page:

If you have reported stock levels higher than your stored level, a store invoice will be created on your stock invoice page. If your stock take is lower than your stock level, this will be reported as wastage in your reporting. You can also enter notes for discrepancies / wastage. Select 'Complete' when you are ready.

If you have completed a stocktake and made a mistake, simply perform a new stocktake and input the correct stock level for the product/s which is wrong.

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